Organisers of the Territorio Doméstico protest Sedoac, Cita de Mujeres de Lavapies, Agencia de Asuntos Precarios, Escalera Caracola and sostenedor@s
For the description of their actions, please refer to Radical Collective Care Blogspot: "Territorio Doméstico is a space of encounter, relation, care and struggle for women and their rights, especially as migrants. The demand for the recognition of the rights of domestic workers is our point of departure, as well as the devalorization of this labour in a system that degrades care and personal assistance and makes it invisible and precarious – because care is vital for the sustaining of our societies! Hence our slogan: BECAUSE WITHOUT US, THE WORLD WOULDN’T BE MOVING and the image of a woman spurring a large and complex system of cogs. We are a space for the struggles and mutual support of women. A space wherein relationships, listening to each other’s realities and the care for the self as well as for others are very important."