instant, Meriç Öner

narrator Meriç Öner
term instant
published May 2019, Istanbul
affiliated institution SALT

Geopolitics is the great acknowledgment of working through plans and projects, strategies and tactics. It gives blunt confidence to humans discussing the past and the future of other people and things. Its existence as an attitude is powered by its practicality. War and trade, success and festival merge and melt in its complexity. In its enormous capacity of containing all, it cannot actually be identified or bypassed.


With the mentioned highly adaptive qualities, the geopolitical, today, is inherent in human thinking. It is unflawed in sudden twists and turns, and as such serves the best of unprincipled, target-based actions. It bases its knowledge on calculations and most of the relationships. It is fed from the human mind, which was taught to think in multiplicities of affirmative or negative responses. Even in its seemingly web-like, non-linear, living structure, it is actually only a system of repetitions, mostly of former fears and future doubts.


Sure, it is possible to point at the conflicts of geopolitics, but there are never dead ends. What makes it the darling of the 21st century is how resourceful the essence is. Funnily enough, as it’s what humans have learned over time, it’s also what the humans are trying to teach the non-humans. Just when earthly concerns are too great to stand still, yet the speed at which solutions are being developed and applied is far slower than needed, geopolitics is, unfortunately, more useful for the corporately organised.


The geopolitical’s insidious reign over our thinking demonstrates itself in what institutions do when they attempt to build other networks and mimic its fundamentals. As it is not built on simple polarities but on time and space narratives, the attempt at overcoming this self-nourishing attitude requires non-binary measures.


“Instant” is one such proposal because through it there might be a chance to break away from time, space, and the constructed human mind.


Instant is not contingent. Only our interpretations make it relevant to the past or the future.


Instant is not repetitive. It is our ideas of moments that recur, never the actual moments.


Instant is not demanding. It supports neither targets and deadlines nor success stories.


Instant is not instrumental. Knowing that there is one thing that cannot be overused emotionally or commercially is infinitely relieving.


Instant does not formulate grand scales. It works at the capacity of human perception, encouraging one to act and react based on one’s own senses.


Every instant is specified by its own conditions. It cannot be ruled using pre-written commands.


Every instant is suggestive of other instants. The ones inside it are individually responsible for what comes next.


Every instant is reliable in its accuracy. It is one’s duty to capture the full story within.


Every instant is one reality, and as such shuts down myriads of past and future obfuscations.


Every instant is more of life and less of an opportunity.


Needless to say the instant as a break away from the geopolitical reflex is not to be formulated. I merely tried to demonstrate both its abstract potential as a way of seeing life and, more importantly, trusting the human once again on its own scale, as well as its material gift as a means of sharing time and space with humans, animals, and plants.
