

Many institutional structures inherited from both the bourgeois and the socialist national states survive today either as ruins of the past, ready for touristic consumption, or as precarious organisations sieged by spurious powers. Social and political movements of many different kinds are now reclaiming the institutional space from a new political imagination. A few contemporary institutions all over the world are rehearsing forms of negotiation with these instituent practices. During the other institutionality seminar, the narrators presented their terms in the context of artworks, social and institutional practices that were shaped either by historical cases which were signified by specific local environments, such as the former Yugoslavia or similar, or with newly commissioned artistic proposals related to different issues about the future. As for the historical cases, the seminar focused on a comparison between the “institutional critique” in different non–Western localities; as for works about the future, they were linked to the context of the global “new world chaos”.


Curated by Zdenka Badovinac and Bojana Piškur (MG+MSUM, Ljubljana, Slovenia). Jesús Carrillo (Madrid, Spain)


Participating narratorsNick AickensCharles Esche (Van Abbemuseum, NL);  Azra Akšamija (MIT Program in Art, Culture and Technology, BH/AT/US); Zdenka Badovinac (MG+MSUM, SI), Bojana Piškur (MG+MSUM, SI), Igor Španjol (MG+MSUM, SI); Jesús Carrillo (ES); Patrick Flores (PH); Kate Fowle (RU); Alenka Gregorič (SI); Anders Krueger & Bart De Baere (M HKA, BE); Pablo Martínez (MACBA, SP), Sohrab Mohebbi (IR/USA); Meriç Öner & Vasıf Kortun (SALT Research, TR), Francisco Godoy Vega (Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, ES)



Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova (+MSUM), Maistrova 3, Ljubljana, Slovenia

date 17 and 18 January 2017
