Ida Hiršenfelder 
Museum of Contemporary Art Metelkova 
Maistrova ulica 3 
SI-1000 Ljubljana 
phone: +386 1 241 68 19 
monday to friday: 10:00 am - 14:00 pm

contribute to the glossary

Glossary of Common Knowledge is an open platform for discussing understated narratives of contemporary art, giving voice to specific conditions in different localities while taking in the account the changing conditions in the global economic, social and political environment. It is open to the non-linear accounts of fragments and invisible histories revealing the feedback loop between theory and contemporary art practices. 


You are welcome to become a narrator by contributing a term or reflecting on any already existing term. You are also welcome to comment on any of phrase or term used in texts by other narrators in a free encyclopedic hyperlinked form. After proofreading, your contributions will be published on the location designated in the 'URL of related term' field.



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