draft version

term intuition
narrator Meriç Öner
published May 2014

SALT processes histories in its knowledge-making practices in two main distinguished forms: First is through the archiving of–far and recent–histories, the second through programming around and raising discussions from within this core material of archives. However, non-research based programs, varying from large-scale exhibitions to the instant talk series “Who’s in Town?”, support the discursive matter at least as much, creating a breather in the expected orderliness of research. This fact, intrinsic to the operations of programmers, proved worth the inquiry after SALT’s numerous activities reached a certain saturation where institutional pursuits were more openly revealed. Upon an invitation by 2013 Lisbon Architecture Triennale’s “Institute Effect” project, we formalized this investigation into the individuals’ effect over the institute under the title “In Situ Qualitative” and mapped SALT’s long-term programs in the networks created among people and institutions, the periods referred to, and the qualities aimed and gained. The methodical introspection set a ground for a common internal discussion on the caliber of programs at SALT as well as their inter-dynamics. “Intuition”–the most controversial concept under the qualities list–is chosen for its potential to look beyond the obvious historicizing practices at SALT. Working in groups among the research and programs team, more maps will be devised for the seminar to reveal those unanticipated traces between events.
