Marta Malo de Molina

Marta Malo de Molina
participated in seminars subjectivisation
terms and associative terms loser

bio | Marta Malo de Molina is a free-lance translator, activist, researcher and mother living in Vallecas, a working-class neighbourhood in Southern Madrid (Spain). Since 1999, she has been committed to the development of theoretical discourse on power, gender, borders and governmentality, as well as to grassroots action-research and pedagogical practices. In 2004, she was responsible for the edition of a collective book on militant research practices: Nociones Comunes. Experiencias y ensayos entre Investigación y Militancia [Common Notions. Experiences and Trials at the Crossroads of Research and Militancy]. Her collaborative projects include Precarias a la deriva [Precarious Women Workers Adrift], an action research project on female precarity by precarious women workers (2003-2007), and Manos Invisibles [Invisible Hands], an ongoing collaborative research project on neoliberal governmentality. In the post-15M context, she has got involved in the establishment of Escuela de Afuera [School from Outside], which aims to develop new pedagogical tools to decolonize our ways of knowing, building transversal and unusual connections between the university and its outskirts. More info: Nociones ComunesLa deriva por los cecuitos de la precariedad femeninaVimeoManosinvisibles.
