Vít Havránek

Vít  Havránek
participated in seminars commons
terms and associative terms intuition

bio | Vít Havránek is a theoretician and organizer based in Prague, Czech Republic. Since 2002 he is working as a project leader of the initiative for contemporary art tranzit. He worked as curator for the Municipal Gallery, Prague and the National Gallery in Prague. He lectures in contemporary art at the Academy of Applied Arts, Prague.


Selected exhibitions: I (Secession Vienna, Futura Prague, tranzit workshops Bratislava, 2006), project The Need to Document (Basel, Lünenburg, Prague, 2005), Definitions of Everyday (Prague Biennale 2, 2005), Lanterna Magika (Paris, 2002), Jiří Kovanda (Brno, 2004), Otto Piene (Prague 2002), action, word, movement, space (Prague, 1999).

Selected publications: editor of tranzit series published by jrp | ringier (Jan Mančuška, Jiří Kovanda and others), edited and co-edited books Autobiographies, 2006, The Need to Document, 2005, Lanterna Magika, 2002, action, word, movement, space, 1999.

Contributions for contemporary art magazines (Springerin, Artist, Flash Art and others).


Note: The biography describes the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project, the narrator may have changed their respective position.
