Tzortzis Rallis

Tzortzis  Rallis
participated in seminars geopolitics
terms and associative terms agitational visual language

bio | Tzortzis Rallis is a graphic designer and researcher based in London. He studied graphic design and fine arts in Greece, Spain and UK. After finishing his Master’s studies in London, he has been working as a freelance graphic designer. Rallis is currently a Ph.D. student at London College of Communication undertaking a practice-led research on modern agitational graphics and he is a member of the Design Activism Research Hub. In his personal practice, he uses design to explore the social and political role of visual communication in the public sphere. He supports grassroots collectives in Greece, he is a co-designer of The Occupied Times of London and co-founder of the Occupy Design UK.


Note: The biography describes the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project, the narrator may have changed their respective position.
