Suely Rolnik

Suely  Rolnik
participated in seminars subjectivisation
terms and associative terms bodywise

bio | Suely Rolnik is an analyst of the politics of desire, subjectivity and thought through art and cultural critic, curatorship, writing and psychoanalytical practice. She is Professor at the Universidade Católica de São Paulo, where she founded the Subjectivity Studies Centre in the Clinical Psychology doctoral program. Since 2008, she is a guest professor of the Independent Studies Program, MacBa. She was exiled in Paris from 1970 to 1979, where she has studied Sociology and Philosophy (Université Paris 8) and Clinical Human Sciences (Université Paris 7). Back in Brazil, she obtained her Ph.D. in Social Psychology at PUC-São Paulo. She has lectured widely, published numerous essays and authored, among other books, Antropophagie Zombie (BlacJack, 2012), Archive Mania (Documenta 13, 2011) and, with Félix Guattari, Micropolítica. Cartografias do desejo (1986; 12th edition 2011), published in seven countries. She curated a retrospective exhibition on Lygia Clark’s work at the Musée des Beaux-Arts de Nantes (2005) and at the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo (2006) and created the Archive for a work-event (65 films of interviews in which she convokes the body memory of Clark’s propositions and of their cultural environment).
