Róza El-Hassan

Róza  El-Hassan
participated in seminars commons
terms and associative terms basic income

bio | Róza El-Hassan was born in Budapest in 1966, of Hungarian and Syrian descent. Her extensive graphical and sculptural works have been shown at various international institutions among others at the Secession, Vienna (2000), Drawing Center, NY (2003) Mücsarnok/Kunsthalle, Budapest (2006) and Kunstmuseum Basel (2012) along with videos, installations and performances. Her works examine contemporary history, sociopolitical and philosophical issues and her new series of projects focusing on social design and ecological architecture. Róza El-Hassan portrays human complexity from all relevant dimensions: social, political, environmental, psychological, emotional and symbolic Artistic and political actions are inextricably linked for her. She works on individual projects, cooperates with other artists and is active as a curator and blogger. She lives in Budapest, teaching at the Intermedia department at University of Fine Arts, Budapest.


Note: The biography describes the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project, the narrator may have changed their respective position.
