Rebecca Close

Rebecca  Close
participated in seminars subjectivisation
terms and associative terms decolonise
affiliated institution MACBA

bio | Rebecca Close and Anyely Marín Cisneros are collaborators of Diásporas Críticas a platform for artistic research that functions as a space of resistance to the neoliberal policies of racial and sexual surveillance. Operating out of the neighbourhood of Raval in Barcelona, the platform is activated by Verónica Lahitte (Buenos Aires, 1980), visual artist; Rebecca Close (London, 1987), researcher and writer; Anyely Marín Cisneros (Caracas, 1977) researcher, professor and producer of social television. Their publishing, writing, performance, radio and research projects intend to activate fundamental concepts from decolonial and feminist thought and its current critical diasporas. They have developed their work with the kind support of Beatriz Preciado at Museu d’Art Contemporani, Ars Santa Monica and Idensitat Translocations, LAB2014: El reverso de la paz Donostia, LabIAL, Centro de Investigaciones Artisticas Buenos Aires, ArtAsiaPacific Magazine, Institut Ramon Llule and the culture@work European Union Fund.
