Rasha Salti

Rasha  Salti
participated in seminars subjectivisation, commons, commons / solidarity
terms and associative terms dancing as insurrectional practice, solidarity, the lucid interval

bio | Rasha Salti is a researcher, writer and curator of art and film. She lives and works in Beirut and Berlin. Salti has curated film programmes worldwide, from MoMA in New York to Haus der Kulturen der Welt in Berlin. In 2011, she was one of the co-curators of the Sharjah Biennial. In 2015, she co-curated with Kristine Khouri the exhibition Past Disquiet: Narratives and Ghosts from the Exhibition of International Art for Palestine (Beirut, 1978), at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Barcelona (MACBA), and at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) in Berlin, in 2016. She is the author and editor of numerous publications, including the book I Would Have Smiled: A Tribute to Myrtle Winter-Chaumeny with Issam Nassar, dedicated to the legacy of the British photographer and founder of the UNRWA photo archive.
