Miglena Nikolchina

Miglena  Nikolchina
participated in seminars commons
terms and associative terms heterotopian homonymy

bio | Miglena Nikolchina is a writer, literary historian and theoretician whose research engages the interactions of literature, philosophy, political studies, and feminist theory. She is a professor at the Department of Theory of Literature at the University of Sofia, Bulgaria. Her writing has been motivated by a lasting interest in the (para)human as process and transformation, and the artificial being as an artistic and philosophical challenge. It is in this context that she investigated, historically but also in terms of structural impasses, the discursive attainments and failures of two grand projects from the second half of the 20th century: the feminist and the East European “velvet” revolutions. In English, her publications include the books Matricide in Language: Writing Theory in Kristeva and Woolf (2004) and Lost Unicorns of the Velvet Revolutions: Heterotopias of the Seminar (2013); and, among her more recent articles, “Inverted Forms and Heterotopian Homonymy: Althusser, Mamardashvili, and the Problem of ‘Man’.” boundary 2, 2014.


Note: The biography describes the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project, the narrator may have changed their respective position.
