Marianna Hovhannisyan

Marianna  Hovhannisyan
participated in seminars geopolitics
terms and associative terms event
affiliated institution SALT

bio | Marianna Hovhannisyan (San Diego/Yerevan) is a researcher and a curator, a Ph.D student in Art History, Theory, and Criticism at Visual Arts Department, UCSD. Her curatorial work and writings focuses on the relationship between contemporary art and education, as well as on the hegemony of archives, exploring ‘unattended’ objects and scripting ontological and geopolitical gaps. In 2016 she curated Empty Fields, an exhibition commissioned by SALT, Istanbul originating from her research in the American Board Archives. Recent fellowships include the first EU-funded Armenia-Turkey Fellowship by Hrant Dink Foundation, Kadist Art Foundation; recent talks—UCLA GSEIS graduate seminars. In 2017, she was selected for the Getty Consortium Seminar and is currently editing Empty Fields publication. She is a member of AICA-Armenia.


Note: The biography describes the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project, the narrator may have changed their respective position.
