Manray Hsu

Manray  Hsu
participated in seminars geopolitics
terms and associative terms tudigong, god of the land

bio | Manray Hsu is an independent curator and art critic based in Taipei. Manray is co-founder and chairperson (2010-2012) of Taipei Contemporary Art Center, editor-in-chief of ArtCo Mainland China edition (2013-2014), has taught at National Taiwan University of Arts, National Tainan University of Arts, and National Taipei University of Education. Among various projects, Manray has curated Naked Life (2006, with Maren Richter, MOCA Taipei), Liverpool Biennial in 2006 (with Gerardo Mosquera), 2008 Taipei Biennial (with Vasif Kortun), Biennale Cuvee at the OK Center for Contemporary Art in 2009 (with Martin Sturm), and the Forum Biennial of Taiwanese Contemporary Art in 2010 (Taipei Contemporary Art Center). Manray has served as a juror for Venice Biennale (2001), Istanbul Biennial (2001), Hermes Art Award for Korean Contemporary Art (2007), Hugo Boss Asian Art Award (2012), etc.


Note: The biography describes the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project, the narrator may have changed their respective position.
