Kate Fowle

Kate  Fowle
participated in seminars other-institutionality
terms and associative terms reflexive/reflexivity

bio | Kate Fowle is chief curator at Garage Museum of Contemporary Art in Moscow and director-at-large at Independent Curators International (ICI) in New York. From 2009-13 she was the executive director of ICI. Previously she was the inaugural international curator at the Ullens Center for Contemporary Art in Beijing (2007-08) and chair of the Master’s Program in Curatorial Practice, which she co-founded in 2002 for California College of the Arts in San Francisco. Before moving to the United States Fowle was co-director of Smith + Fowle in London. From 1994-96 she was curator at the Towner Art Gallery and Museum in Eastbourne, East Sussex.


Fowle’s recent exhibitions at Garage include Proof: Francisco Goya, Sergei Eisenstein, Robert Longo (2016), Rashid Johnson. Within Our Gates (2016), Louise Bourgeois. Structures of Existence: The Cells (2015-2016), Rirkrit Tiravanija: Tomorrow Is The Question (2015), The New International (2014), and John Baldessari: 1+1=1 (2013). Her recent writing includes catalogue texts on Doug Aitken, John Baldessari, Harrell Fletcher, Rashid Johnson, Ilya Kabakov, Robert Longo, Ari Marcopoulos, Sterling Ruby, Althea Thauberger, and Qiu Zhijie. She has written on curating and exhibition practices for numerous publications and magazines, including Parkett, Modern Painters, Mousse, Art in America, Manifesta Journal, the Exhibitionist, and Frieze.
