Global family narrators

Note: The biographies describe the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project starting in 2014, many of the narrators have changed their respective positions by the time you will refere to their biographies.


Global family narrators are international curators, academics, and theoreticians invited by GCK curators to join the project. Some were also representatives of other organisations. The global family narrators were asked to: choose a term that was relevant for their group/network, organisation, context or individual position; provide a definition of the term resulting from a collective discussion if the narrator represents a group/network, organisation; participate in a seminar at which the terms were collectively edited with other narrators and without losing the plurality of voices; work in the postproduction (post-editing) of the term; prepare a longer work text about the term with visual references (when needed).
