Cristina Freire

Cristina  Freire
participated in seminars historicisation
terms and associative terms archive

bio | Cristina Freire is full Professor at the Museum of Contemporary Art of the University of São Paulo (MAC USP), and a professor of the Post-Graduate Program in Aesthetics and Art History at the same university. She has been Chair of Department of Research in Art, Theory and Criticism (2005 / 2010), and Vice Director of MAC USP (2010/2014). Freire has been researching the conceptual art in MAC USP’s collection since 1996, and is currently Chair of the Research Group Conceptual Art and Conceptualisms in the Museum at the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq). Among other exhibitions she curated Conceptual Art and Conceptualisms: The 1970’s in the Museum of Contemporary Art Collection, São Paulo (2000), Almost ephemeral art: records of performances, actions, situations (2001), and For a Public Museum. A Tribute to Walter Zanini (2013). In Germany Freire was co-curator of Subversive practices, Kunstverein Stuttgart, (2009) and curator of Clemente Padín: Word, Action and Risk, Weserburg Museum, Bremen (2010), among others. She has also published the following books: Poéticas do Processo. Arte Conceitual no Museu [Poetics of the Process. Conceptual art in the Museum, S. Paulo: Ed. Iluminuras, 1999]; Arte Conceitual [Conceptual Art, Rio de Janeiro: Jorge Zahar Editor, 2006]; Paulo Bruscky. Arte, Arquivo e Utopia [Paulo Bruscky. Art, Archive and Utopia, Recife: CEPE, 2007] and Walter Zanini: Escrituras Críticas [Walter Zanini: critical writings, São Paulo, Annablume, 2013]. Finally, Freire has contributed to many international publications, including magazines, catalogues and journals, such as Manifesta Journal (Amsterdam), Springerin (Vienna), and Index (Barcelona).


Note: The biography describes the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project, the narrator may have changed their respective position.


associated narrators

seminar recordings

Cristina Freire, archive, 24:50 min, 2014, MG+MSUM