Yuji Kawasima

participated in seminars subjectivisation II
terms and associative terms being silent
affiliated institution Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

bio | Yuji Kawasima has a PhD in Art History from the Complutense University of Madrid. He is a researcher, curator and writer with a special interest in practices related to gender and queer studies in the Latin American cultural context. He has lectured at institutions such as New York University, City University of New York, MNCARS, MUSAC, and CA2M, among others, and has carried out research stays at the University of São Paulo. He has published in academic publications and the art press such as Goya, Babelia, Utopia and Exit-Express, as well as in different exhibition catalogues and books, such as Leonilson: Drawn 1975–1993 (KW Institute for Contemporary Art, 2021), Exterioridades críticas. Comunidades de aprendizaje universitarias en arte y arquitectura y su incorporación a los relatos de la modernidad y del presente (Brumaria, 2019) and José Leonilson: Empty Man (America’s Society, 2018). He is currently preparing a book devoted to the Brazilian artist Leonilson, to be published by Cátedra. He is also the editor of Quema de Archivo, an ongoing editorial project for the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Complutense University of Madrid, focused on marginalised artistic, activist and archive productions during the HIV/AIDS crisis in different Latin American contexts. Since 2020 he has been part of the team of the Study Center of the Reina Sofía Museum.
