Yayo Herrero

participated in seminars commons / solidarity

bio | Yayo Herrero is an anthropologist, social educator and agricultural technical engineer. Herrero is a leading researcher in the eco-feminist and eco-socialist field at a European level and has participated in numerous social initiatives on the promotion of human rights and social ecology, a field in which she has published more than twenty books and numerous articles. She is partner and worker of Garúa S. Coop. Mad , professor-collaborator on the Unesco Cathedra of Environmental Education and Sustainable Development (UNED), president of Foro de Transiciones and member of the editorial board of Hegoa . She was coordinator of the Complutense University Centre for Environmental Studies and Information (CCEIM) in Madrid (Spain) between 2009 and 2012, and confederal coordinator of Ecologistas en Acción between 2005–2014.


Note: The biography describes the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project, the narrator may have changed their respective position.
