Theo Prodromidis

participated in seminars commons / solidarity
terms and associative terms school

bio | Theo Prodromidis is a visual artist and director based in Athens (Greece). He studied contemporary media practice at the University of Westminster (London, United Kingdom) and was awarded an MFA in fine art by Goldsmiths’ College, University of London in 2007. His work has been exhibited and screened in galleries, museums and festivals such as the Furtherfield (London), the Galerija Nova (Zagreb, Croatia), the State of Concept (Athens), the 1st and 5th Thessaloniki Biennales, the 4th Athens Biennale, both events in Greece. Since 2017, he has contributed to the exhibition The School of Redistribution by the platform Future Climates and the previously mentioned State of Concept, as well as to Project PRE.SS (Provision of Refugee Education and Support Scheme) by Hellenic Open University and part of the WHW Akademija’s (Zagreb) programme To care for another, radical politics of care. Ηe is a member of the Institute of Radical Imagination (IRI), a volunteer at the Open School for Immigrants of Piraeus (Greece) and a member of the Solidarity Schools Network. In 2020–2021 he was the co-leader of An album from our square at the Victoria Square Project in Athens, supported by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Public Humanities Initiative (SNFPHI) at Columbia University (New York, United States).


Note: The biography describes the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project, the narrator may have changed their respective position.

