Steven ten Thije

Steven ten Thije
participated in seminars geopolitics II, constituencies II
terms and associative terms air travel, process
affiliated institution Van Abbemuseum

bio | Steven ten Thije was a project leader of the EU-funded The Uses of Art – The Legacy of 1848 and 1989 produced by the L’Internationale museum confederation and a member of the Editorial Board of L’Internationale Online. He co-curated The Making of Modern Art at Van Abbemuseum, 2017–2021, with Christiane Berndes and Charles Esche in close collaboration with the Museum of American Art, Berlin. Previously, he co-curated Confessions of the Imperfect, 1848–1989, and VAM, 2014–2015, with Alistair Hudson. In the first L’Internationale project on Post-War Avant-Gardes, he was part of the curatorial team of Spirits of Internationalism, VAM, M HKA, 2012, with Charles Esche, Bart de Baere, Anders Kreuger and Jan de Vree. Recently he published the essay “The Emancipated Museum” (2016, Mondriaan Fund) and co-edited the book What’s the Use?, published by Valiz in 2015. He was part of the team who organised Play Van Abbe (2009–2011).


Note: The biography describes the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project, the narrator may have changed their respective position.
