Natalia Sielewicz

participated in seminars commons / solidarity
terms and associative terms repair
affiliated institution Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

bio | Natalia Sielewicz is an art historian and curator at the Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw (Poland). She has curated the exhibitions Paint, also known as Blood. Women, Affect, and Desire in Contemporary Painting (2019), Hoolifemmes (2017), and Ministry Internal Affairs. Intimacy as Text (2017). She was also a curator of Private Settings. Art After Internet (2014), one of the first institutional exhibitions to look at the impact of new technologies on the human condition in late capitalism, and Bread and Roses. Artists and the Class Divide (2015), together with Łukasz Ronduda, about the way artists define their status and position in the realm of the current ever-widening economic gap. She has curated and produced numerous performances, including with Haroon Mirza and Richards Sides (2012), Ramona Nagabczynska (The Way Things Dinge, 2014), Grace Ndiritu (Spring Rites: Birthing of a New Museum, 2014), C. Spencer Yeh (2014), Korakrit Arunanondchai (2014), Jesse Darling (Habeas Corpus ad Subjiciendum, 2014), DIS (#Thinkspiration, 2014), Adam Linder (Some Proximity, 2015), Manuel Pelmus and Alexandra Pirici (Public Collection, 2015), and Jeremiah Day (2016). Most recently, and together with theatre director Bartosz Frąckowiak, she co-authored Modern Slavery, a forensic investigation and experimental theatre play discussing forced unpaid labour in today’s Poland. During the pandemic lockdown, she ran the MSN Home Office blog, the museum’s online platform for communication during the COVID-19 crisis.


Note: The biography describes the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project, the narrator may have changed their respective position.

