Maddalena Fragnito

participated in seminars commons / solidarity
terms and associative terms care is conflictual

bio | Maddalena Fragnito is an artist and activist. At present, she is a doctoral student at Coventry University’s Centre for Postdigital Cultures. She is co-author of Rebelling with Care (WeMake, 2019) and Ecologie della cura: Prospettive transfemministe (Orthotes, 2021). She is also the co-founder of MACAO (2012), an autonomous cultural centre in Milan, and SopraSotto (2013), a self-managed kindergarten run by parents. She is part of the research groups Pirate Care (2019), and OBOT (2020). In 2021, with the activation of the iteration Raising Care within the School of Mutation, she joined the Institute of Radical Imagination. Homepage:


Note: The biography describes the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project, the narrator may have changed their respective position.
