Kuba Szreder

Kuba  Szreder
participated in seminars geopolitics II
terms and associative terms anti-fascism
affiliated institution Museum of Modern Art in Warsaw

bio | Kuba Szreder is a researcher, lecturer and independent curator, based in Warsaw, an associate professor at the Department for Art Theory of the Academy of Fine Arts in Warsaw. He has co-curated many interdisciplinary projects hybridising art with critical reflection and social experiments, such as Making Use. Life in Postartistic Times (together with Sebastian Cichocki, Museum of Modern Art, Warsaw 2016). He actively cooperates with artistic unions, consortia of post-artistic practitioners, clusters of art-researchers, art collectives and artistic institutions in Poland, the UK, and other European countries. In 2009 he initiated the Free/Slow University of Warsaw, with which he completed several inquiries into the current conditions of artistic labour. In 2018, together with Kathrin Bohm, he established the Centre for Plausible Economies in London, a research cluster investigating artistic economies. Since 2018, he has been an active member of the core team of the Atlas of the Anti-Fascist Year in Poland. He is an editor and author of books, catalogues, chapters and articles tackling such issues as the political economy of global artistic circulation, art strikes, modes of artistic self-organisation, instituting art beyond the art market and the use value of art. He is currently working on an English edition of his book ABC of Projectariat (2016), a critique of the political economy of artistic circulation.


Note: The biography describes the position of the narrator at the time of their participation in the Glossary of Common Knowledge. Given the long duration of the project, the narrator may have changed their respective position.
