Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca

Fran  MM  Cabeza de Vaca
participated in seminars constituencies II
affiliated institution Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía

bio | Fran MM Cabeza de Vaca is a composer, sound artist and music teacher. He has premiered instrumental and electro-acoustic music at various national and international festivals and composed music for artists and choreographers such as Aitana Cordero and Paz Rojo. His audiovisual works include three feature-length documentaries together with José Luis Tirado, and his participation in the ZEMOS98 collective (Seville). Since 2012, he has worked with the poet María Salgado on various projects, including the stage recital Hacía un Ruido (one of the pieces of which has recently become part of the Collection of the Ca2M-Dos de Mayo Arts Centre) and the audio-textual trilogy of pieces Jinete Último Reino, present in the official programme of 39º Festival de otoño de Madrid in 2021. He is an active performer in the Pharmacy 13 Improvisation Orchestra and in the Transfeminist Fanfare, both in Madrid. Following almost two decades as a music teacher in Spanish public secondary schools, he teachers the Master’s in Contemporary Stage Thought and Creation at the School of Dramatic Art of Castilla and Leon (Valladolid). He has coordinated the Communities Unit (part of the Education Department) at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía since September 2018.
