Fatma Çolakoğlu

participated in seminars constituencies II
terms and associative terms known unknowns
affiliated institution SALT

bio | Fatma Çolakoğlu has been a curator for exhibitions as well as film and video art for fifteen years. In 2005, she established the film department of the Istanbul Museum of Modern Art. Subsequently, she was responsible for the film and video programmes of Pera Film and headed the communications department of the Pera Museum in Istanbul. Following her associate director role at SALT, in January 2022 she was appointed as the director of research and programmes. In recent years she has been part of the International Short Film Jury of Berlinale Shorts 2020 and Istanbul Experimental, and also participated in festivals such as Proyector 13/Festival de Videoarte and Videonale Bonn. She is interested in the critical relationship between the moving image and social studies, and is fascinated by the intersection of art, science, and technology and how they transform the world. In particular, her field of research concerns image-making, the use of language, networks, theories of mediation, the political and cultural dimensions of popular media landscape, and contemporary art practices. Fatma holds an MA in Theatre Directing from Goldsmiths, University of London and BA in Film and Media Art from Emerson College.
