Diego Marchante “Genderhacker”

participated in seminars subjectivisation II
terms and associative terms queering

bio | Diego Marchante “Genderhacker” (Pamplona, 1984) is a transfeminist activist, transmedia artist and lecturer. A doctor of fine arts from the University of Barcelona (UB), since 2008 he has worked as a professor of Audiovisuals and Gender Studies at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the UB. In 2011, he published Archivo T (http://archivo-t.net), an archive of social movements and artistic practices that have addressed gender issues in the Spanish context from a queer and transfeminist perspective. His work has been exhibited at Can Felipa, Caixaforum, Fabra i Coats, Sala d’Art Jove, Centre de Cultura Contemporáni de Barcelona (CCCB), Museu d’Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA), Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofá (MNCARS) and Centro de Arte Contemporáneo (CAC) de Quito in Ecuador. He has published several texts in various books such as Transfeminismos. Epistemes, fricciones y flujos (2013), Barbarismos queer y otras esdrújulas (2017), Smagliature Digitali. Corpi, generi e tecnologie (2018) and Cuerpos conectados. Arte identidad y autorrepresentación en la sociedad transmedia (2021). In 2020 his project Gendernaut. Queering the 90s (http://gendernaut.net) was been selected in the call for research stays at the MNCARS, in the context of the project Our Many Europes – Europe’s critical 90s and The Constituent Museum (OME), organised by L’Internationale.
