Antoine Silvestre

Antoine  Silvestre
participated in seminars constituencies II
terms and associative terms territory
affiliated institution MACBA

bio | Antoine Silvestre (Lyon, 1984). Architect and philosopher. His field of work and research focuses on the relationships between city, capitalism and urbanism in the framework inherited from the European world system and modern liberal democracies. His activity also includes architectural, stage and web platform design, as well as conducting pedagogical workshops and publishing critical essays. Other lines of work and research are technology and possible lines of flight, critical uses and collective production. His works in this area include the workshop “Deriva collective_Hacking urban” (Buenos Aires – Barcelona, 2018) and a collectively produced video, Hacking Deriva, presented in 2018 at L’Alternativa. He has designed several exhibition spaces (design and architecture) for the artist collective Etcétera: Sao Paolo Biennial (Brazil, 2014), Serralves Museum (2015) and Cumbre La Criatura (Argentina: 2018). He is currently a resident researcher at Arts Santa Mònica Contemporary Art Center in Barcelona. He is part of the Espectros de lo Urbano collective.
